Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hockey Day in Canada Fun!

After 10 days off of blogging (bad bad me!!) I am back at it.

This is almost like working out, take one day off and then the next, until you realize it's been 10 days!

This weekend was Hockey Day In Canada. We took the boys down to see all the events yesterday. At night I went to the Cullitons game with work and got to see Don Cherry do Coach's Corner live, very cool! Today my brother took Jerrith skating on the river.

Last picture is my 26 week Belly shot!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My new toy!

I was able to do a hardware upgrade yesterday with Rogers. I had a Blackberry Pearl and was sure I was going to get a new Blackberry. After a reeeeeeeeally long time at Rogers, I settled on an iPhone. Never been a fan of Apple, but the apps are too cool. lol.

They even have apps for budgeting and meal planning. How cool is that?
My cover is actually pink... love it!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The upside of winter driving!

I hate driving in the snow. But I absolutly love seeing the white trees. So pretty!

I took these pictures while coming home from London today.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Back home!!

I haven't posted anything this week. We just got back from Cayo Coco, Cuba.
We had an amazing time. We celebrated our 3rd Anniversary last Wednesday!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

I don't know when I'll be back again!!

Actually, I do, next Sunday! lol.

We are off to Cuba just after midnight tonight and will be back next Sunday. I will miss daily posts for the week, but will make up for it with tons of pictures of our trip when we get back!

Today was the fun task of packing. Notice how mine is 1/3 of the suitcase and Dustin's is 2/3? Men... lol.
See you all when we get back!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Oh the things that make me happy!

Gone are the days where shopping for myself makes me happy. I admitted earlier this week that I have a HUGE shopping problem. I was at Walmart tonight (which is exciting because Stratford doesn't have one!). I found this diaper bag and fell in love with it. I was looking for a great bag, but all the ones I found were around $100, and I just could not justify it! I found this awesome one for only $35.
I am totally in love with it. The picture isn't the greatest, the trim is actually all baby blue.
Yup, I am a dork. Purchasing a diaper bag totally made my day.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

He loves his video games!

Jerrith is a typical 10 year old boy. He LOVES any kind of video game. He could spend hours playing on the computer, his DS, or the Wii, if we let him! I took this picture of him playing on the computer after school today.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Shopping for a good cause!

Dustin and I go down south every January for our anniversary (3 years on the 13th!). Every time we go away I go to the dollar store and stock up on different things to hand out to people we meet down there. We are heading to Cuba on Sunday. The average wage in Cuba is $30 a month. Little things like toothpaste cost a lot for them to buy. We always get toys, stickers, craft supplies, candy, school supplies for kids as well.

Jerrith and I went to the dollar store after school to do some shopping. This is what we came up with!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My name is Kaisa... and I am a shopaholic.

I have a serious shopping issue. It is limited to kids clothes. I can never spend money on myself, but when it comes to the boys, I have issues! Both the boys have more clothes than they could EVER need. Now the baby is still 18 weeks from making his debut, and already has A LOT of clothes! I had no idea how much I had picked up until I went through it tonight. Oops!! Someone PLEASE take away my debit card.

Here's the little guy's stash!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

I love my town!

I drove to London today and on the way home was trying to figure out what to take a picture of today. I was driving through the country and looking for a picture perfect winter scene, and didn't find anything! Getting close to Stratford, I took this picture of our "Welcome to Stratford" sign.

I looooooove my little town. I can't imagine living anywhere else. It's big enough to have every store you need, yet small enough that you can get from one end to the other in less than 10 minutes! It's a GREAT place to raise kids too!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Our Sunday Morning Tradition!

Every Sunday we go to my parents house for pancakes (or pamcakes, as Dominic calls them!). I am from Europe and our pancakes are more like crepes. We put jam or syrup and roll them up. Here is a couple pictures of the boys enjoying them!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

22 Week Belly Picture!

Here is my 22 week belly picture! I plan on taking one now every 2 weeks. This pregnancy is going by SO quickly now!

Friday, January 1, 2010

My little (snow) Angels!

The boys live to be outside. They would stay out and play all day if they could. Doesn't matter the weather or season , winter or summer!

So what a great way to start my 365 days of 2010, then a picture of them enjoying the nice fluffy snow we got last night! Here's a picture of them doing snow angels!